Friday, June 21, 2013

Knowledge systems, masses and the future

I've come to the realization that a majority of people believe that the knowledge they hold allows them to be come fixated on a style or movement but not the people that it affected. The depth of knowledge of something really doesn't allow you to have a better understanding, but an appreciation that something had happened and that this should be defended as a truth. As we gain more information and belief, we start to develop a right and become ignorant of the possibility that the created structures of a movement can't be wrong or misguided and elevated towards something that it is not.

Ideas are not perfect, not every system is equal. Anybody who feels that this can change would have to wait for the Earth to be burnt to a crisp before power and control is relinquished. I'd rather turn my back on a civilization that ignores problems on a global scale than one that hushes them under the carpet and say's it's beyond our control. But I can't. I'm stuck in this society pushing my wheel like everyone else, I'm not a savior or a divine being able to wipe away the tears of everybody's hurt in the world. Nor would I want to be the person that can. I think that we as a society need to face the pains that every other human experiences, this can be achieved, it is just the power and control is not as simple devices to be given up. I look at mainstream media, it was the case that one station would show a liberal philosophy, and the other labor. Each had their own standpoint and didn't balance their story to the viewers discretion. As this is the medium of choice, yes, the internet but not everyone is tuned in and this is not a medium of the masses. At a point, where does everyone have access to the town crier, one who brings the news to everyone in earshot. If messages are passed from one to another, do we hold this news to be true?

So how is it important to view the opinions or attitudes that are held to be the truth, when their is two sides to any story. That even the killer has been brought up by a family that loved them, played in the street and that fate has decided that they had to act on their actions, for them to become a different person in life. Each system of society is different, governed by the system that it supports, which comes first? The system or the society? They evolve from the other, each driven by the actions of that society. Do we allow a system to punish those who bribe or corrupt people of position, does the punishment allow for those who commit these actions really 'get away with murder'? The cold face of reality comes knocking when we discover the truth about something that should of been regulated and controlled, or does this irregularity create more work to 'improve the system' and it's progress towards a new truth. Is it the truth or the fact. Fact is a date or parsnip of information that is sieved and filtered, to give a factual basis of information. Is it then just another truth. Is that truth just then another interpretation of what we hold has valuable and something of worth.

So what do we want in our lives? the basic needs really. Food, warmth, company and shelter. What if all these came free? What if all of these things where a standard and what else would we then aspire to do. Would we then educate, create and design? Would we be able to look past our differences in boarders and language, facing a fear and despair towards others because it feels like our voice is not heard? I don't think I ask for much, people hold onto what has been in the past, it is after all, hard to forget or forgive somebody whose father had killed their own. I think that even if we are all at the level of the basic, that we would then be able to forgive and forget, but to forget how bad things have been is also ignorant. We hold onto these things because it makes us to who we are, in one way. It creates solidarity and a commonality that we are not alone. for some reason we all forget that we are born from our mothers and fathers. We are all loved, even murderers, we are not shown how to deal with the latter as much as how we know how to respect people in the street. In nature the order of the groups is kept under control as the basic needs are not met. They are constantly unable to gain a foothold or sanctuary against the tides of time. We are beyond this, we have created problems that are of our own making.

We create a world of deceit, mistrust and murder. But, we can be rational and forgiving, we do have nobler beliefs that can be given the time of day. We can be more than what we where, more than how we where.